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YouTube Star or YouTube Disaster? My Budapest Audition

Myra Yatco

I have a confession. These travel updates are so time consuming that I recently considered eliminating future blog posts altogether. Say what? You read that correctly. My gut told me that replacing written trip summaries with onscreen verbal recaps would

alleviate blogger angst once and for all. Let me explain why I would even consider such a notion.

Do you know how long it takes to craft noteworthy travel summaries that simultaneously entertain and engage readers? I won't sugar coat it. It takes a long ass time. Even experienced writers continuously draft, edit, and re-purpose content for hours on end. These travel posts are no exception and require herculean stamina to perfect. Why subject myself to unnecessary, self-inflicted torture when all I have to do is switch communication gears?

So I made the decision to do what I should have done from the get-go. Goodbye long-winded blog posts. Hello video blogs. Gulp. Trust me. My hesitation is warranted.

While I have decades of public speaking under my belt, my onscreen antics prove otherwise. Once I press record, I quickly transform into a rambling, bumbling fool. These live recordings also trigger my deer-in-the-headlights expression as I share random musings that may or may not make any sense. Performance anxiety? Perhaps. Or am I acutely aware that these segments are permanent and potentially embarrassing?

Either way, I plunged into the unknown and delivered what followers have requested all along: More in-the-moment Myra footage. Uncensored. Raw. Silly.

Without further ado, here are several Budapest/Hungary segments featuring my unscripted, make-up free self. Some videos are only accompanied by semi-audible narration, but I'll work out those audio kinks over time. These compilations are not exactly polished, so bare with me as I navigate through this untested medium.

Exploring Budapest - An Introduction

Budapest's appeal is undeniable. From bridges to architectural wonders, these landmarks are absolutely stunning. This segment provides a general overview of what visitors can expect from Hungary's largest city. I would move here. Would you?

Splish-Splash, Hungarian Bath

Watch me sport my "just woke up, going to take a bath" hairdo while I review one of Hungary's popular bath houses - Gellert Hotel and Spa. The simulated surf waves were super cool!

Budapest City Park

I instantly fell in love with Budapest once I explored this massive 302 acre public park. There's a surprise at every corner including a castle, several museums, Szechenyi Baths, an amusement park, and other notable spots throughout Heroes' Square.

Castle Hill - An afternoon exploring the "Buda" Side

Join me as I explore must-see Castle Hill hotspots such as the Buda Castle, Matthias Church, and the Fisherman's Bastion along the picturesque Danube River. Can you guess which one of these sites remind me of a European fairytale?

Labyrinth - Dracula's former torture chamber

If you want to scare yourself sh**less, purchase a solo ticket to the spooky Labyrinth underneath the Buda Castle. It takes approximately 30 minutes to navigate this underground maze leading to Dracula's dungeon, torture chambers, and more. I didn't make it very far since I could barely see through some of the pitch-black pathways.

My incoherent jet-lagged self walks you through the Prestige Hotel.

The Prestige Hotel is one of my top hotels worldwide. I walk you through this chic establishment in an extremely dazed state. Don't mind the creepy hallways. If I got used to them, so will you. Here's JOHNNY!!!! Some of you will get that reference.

Hungry in Hungary - The Great Market Hall

The Great Market Hall (located at the end of bustling Vaci Street) caters to anyone searching for affordable Hungarian souvenirs, spices, meat, liquor, or authentic bites. This 10,000 square meter facility is Hungary's largest and oldest indoor/outdoor marketplace.

Parliament and Margaret Island - My Bipolar Excursion

I woke up extremely sad on my last day in Budapest. What changed my demeanor from melancholic to euphoric? A huge SUGAR ball of happiness. Watch my emotional transformation after I inhale a gigantic cotton candy. The musical accompaniment is a riot.

Buddha Bar - Where Myra Met David

I heard so much about the Buddha Bar that I had to stop by and give it my personal stamp of approval. I met an awesome bartender along the way.

Food Spotlight: Costes Downtown

Hungary has five Michelin Star restaurants. One of them was conveniently located inside my hotel lobby. This 5-course, chef's choice meal will immediately trigger palate envy. The sumptuous duck liver tureen was my favorite.

Beyond Hungary: Esztergom

My full-day Danube Bend tour included a visit to Esztergom, where Hungary's archbishop resides. Footage includes interior and exterior views of the basilica and its bucolic surroundings. Guess where I filmed the introductory footage? Watch and find out.

Beyond Hungary: Szentendre

I loved everything about this quaint, medieval "Artist Village", where visitors are free to roam cobblestoned pathways to shop, eat, and marvel at anything and everything. I could easily spend hours at this charming destination located just 30 minutes outside of Budapest.

So there it is. My first attempt at vlogging. How did I do? Don't answer that. It was completely rhetorical since I know I have a lot of future work cut out for me. After watching these segments, my "what not to do" list grew exponentially, but I'm okay with that.

Will I be a YouTube star or YouTube disaster? These introductory vignettes are closer to the "disaster" side of the spectrum, but I will continue to learn and grow from my onscreen faux pas.

Stay tuned for more videos. I won't do away with blog posts entirely, but I will definitely write less and speak more moving forward. Brace yourselves for potential bloopers and blunders. Until then, do something that scares you. I surely did and survived...barely.

*Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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